We Are Revolutionising

Elevating Efficiency, Enhancing Collaboration & Boosting Results
Shift Hero shift manager view of shift cover application

The Future of Shift Cover

Transforming your approach to workforce management.
As a Revolutionary Tool

Shift Hero addresses your industry pain points and goes beyond conventional solutions.

Shift Hero is your key to unlocking

  • green check tickefficiency
  • green check ticktransparency
  • green check tickunparalleled results
Providing Skill & Adaptability

In a dynamic world of manufacturing and production, seasonal demands and unexpected challenges often require a workforce that is as adaptable as it is skilled. Shift Hero is your solution amidst industry challenges, providing a revolutionary platform that transforms the way you manage and augment your engineering team.

Shift hero platform features - how to address production pain points

Shift Hero – Your Trusted Partner
in Engineering Excellence!

Manufacturing is seasonal and production ebbs and flows - Shift hero provides a solution to these fluctuations.
Industry Challenges

The manufacturing and production sector faces constant fluctuations in demand, making it challenging to maintain a consistent workforce throughout the year. Traditional staffing solutions fall short, often resulting in higher costs during slower times and compromising on expertise when it matters the most.

What We Do

Shift Hero steps in by offering a sophisticated platform that allows you to embrace the ebb and flow of seasonal demands without unnecessary overhead costs.

Our solution is tailored to provide

  • flexibility iconflexibility
  • low cost iconcontrol costs
  • skilled iconensure expertise

precisely when you need it.

Whether you seek to

  • → fill staff shortages
  • → provide specific skill experiences
  • → resolve complex issues

Shift Hero connects you with a curated pool of highly skilled and experienced maintenance engineers. Our platform empowers you to specify skill sets, collaborate effortlessly, and eliminate the costly mistakes associated with traditional staffing approaches.

In a world where downtime can be detrimental, Shift Hero stands as your reliable partner, ensuring your team is equipped with the right talent to elevate your manufacturing game.

shift hero reduces production downtime with flexible shift cover and by providing specialist skilled engineers

Compare your costs today
with our pricing tool

Why Choose Shift Hero?

Unlock the Future of Engineering Excellence with Shift Hero

shift hero's engineers boosts machine reliability and production

Boost Machine Reliability and Performance

Seamlessly plan engineer shifts, collaborate effortlessly, and eliminate booking mistakes.

shift hero's engineers reduce profit loss

Say Goodbye to Production Loss and Hello to Cost Savings

Our tool integrates smoothly with shift rotas, enhances collaboration, tracks spend, and ensures compliance for peace of mind.

shift hero's engineers are highly skilled and competent

Maximise OEE and Minimise Headaches

Our database exclusively lists competent engineers, ensuring skillful manpower for transparent work tracking and compliance assurance.

shift hero provides a maintenance engineering booking tool

Empower Your Team, Elevate Your Results

Maintenance booking tool offers visual resource planning, real usage-based forecasting, and professional assessments for unmatched machine reliability.

shift hero provides skilled manpower to your team whenever you need it

Struggling with Skilled Manpower?

Our solution ensures your engineers are competent and transparent – a game-changer for job traceability and peace of mind.

shift hero's app streamlines collaboration between teams

Revolutionise Your Maintenance Process

Tool streamlines collaboration, boosts performance, and eliminates costly production losses. Experience the difference!

shift hero shift cover platform tackles production pain points and maximises OEE

Transform Challenges into Triumphs!

Maintenance booking tool tackles your pain points – machine reliability, production loss, OEE woes, and skill shortages. Elevate your manufacturing game now!

Ready to elevate your
team today?